Monday, June 26, 2006


God Bless America? Let us never do anything that will give The Almighty a moment's
hesitation of a doubt for such a Sublime Benediction!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Current World Opinion

Quite a few Americans mention how ashamed they are because the Iraq War has destroyed our reputation in the world, and quite apart of the old cliche': Never show a fool a half-finished job; not one of the 190 other Member States of the United Nations has stood up, drew its line in the sand of moral outrage, and broke off Diplomatic Relations with the Evil American Empire. Is the rest of the world just motivated by realpolitique? Or do I have a lurking, sneaking suspicion they're glad we're there holding back the barbarians at the gates?

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Gay Marriage an Unnatural Act

Same Sex Marriage has nothing to do with God's Law, Constitutional Law, or Social Mores. It is against Natural Law. Same Sex Marriage will never produce natural childbirth, which is why Evolutionary Law assigned a male and female union for the procreation of all species. You can dance around with semantics all you want. Homosexuality maybe loving, caring, nurturing hedonism. It maybe a natural form of birth control. The absolute fact is that Same Sex Marriage is Unnatural: Contary to Nature!